Useful Telephone Numbers

Addaction 01392 431588
Alcohol and Drug Helpline (UK) 0800 44 88 688
Axminster Hospital 01297 630400
Axminster Hospital - X-Ray Department 01297 630425
Beer Pharmacy 01297 21823
Colyton Pharmacy 01297 552348
CRUSE 01392 272406
CRUSE Helpline 0844 477940
Dental Access Centre - Exeter 01392 405700
Dental Service (Out of Hours) 01392 822348
Devon Doctors on Call (Out of Hours) 0845 671 0270
Devon Rape Crisis Service 01392 204174
Domestic Abuse Helpline (24 Hour) 0800 328 3970
Exeter Drug & Alcohol Services 0845 371 9988
Honiton Hospital 01404 540540
Honiton Maternity Unit 01404 540544
Lloyds Pharmacy - Harepath Road 01297 20414
Lloyds Pharmacy - Queen Street 01297 21898
MIND 0845 766 0163
NHS 111 111
NHS Devon 0845 140 5005
NHS Devon Dental Helpline 0845 002 0034
Patient Advice and Liason Service 0800 073 0741
Police - Seaton 0990 777 444
Police - Non Emergency 101
Public Health Team 01297 626141
RELATE 01392 275681
Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital 01392 411611
Samaritans 01392 411711
Seaton Hospital 01297 23901
Seaton Hospital - Physiotherapy 01297 23901
Sidmouth Hospital 01395 512482
Social Services 0800 155 1007
Tesco Pharmacy 01297 529649
TRIP Community Transports 01404 46529
Victim Support Devon 0845 676 1020