Welcome To Our Teens And Young Adults Page
Teens and Young Adults need a supportive and welcoming environment where they can come and discuss their health needs and any concerns they may have. Townsend House Medical Centre is committed to providing this environment and working to improve the health of young people in East Devon.
As part of this, we have provided a selection of resources below for teens and young adults to source information about health-related issues. It may be that they are embarrassed to ask someone about what may be bothering and the following pages and resources may provide some of the answers.
The website provides information about a wide variety of subjects, not just health-related issues. It could be that you, or someone you know, is being bullied or you would like more details about a specific illness. It may be that some of the resources we have listed cover multiple different areas where you may require support.

General Health And Wellbeing
There are so many different websites available on the Internet that cover a variety of general health and well-being issues. Below are just a few that we have found to be great sources.
The Mix
Website: www.themix.org.uk
The Mix is a website that offers a whole range of advice for young people across a massive array of issues. The site covers embarrassing problems, answers weird questions and takes a look at ‘the things you might not want to say out loud’.
You’ll find both information and support to help you deal with the situation you are facing and the tools to take on any challenge.
The service they offer is free and confidential and also available across many different platforms. You can visit the website, telephone them and email.
Change, Grow, Live
Website: www.changegrowlive.org
Change, Grow, Live is a charity that supports people to change their lives for the better. The offer help and support to people of all ages and their services include, but are not limited to:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Substance Use
- Mental Health
- Criminal Justice
- Domestic Abuse
- Homelessness
Jumo Health
Website: www.jumohealth.com
Jumo Health provides health resources for children and families across the world. You can access a wide variety of information regarding a number of conditions and illnesses, free of charge.
NHS Website
Website: www.nhs.co.uk
This site needs no introduction but provides health information and links to a variety of health services locally.
Young Devon
Website: www.youngdevon.org
Young Devon is a charity that works in a variety of settings to change the odds in favour of young people.
They concentrate on four main areas:
Skills – they offer
- Workbased learning and Independent Living Skills courses
- Princes Trust
- Mentoring
Wellbeing - they provide
- Wellbeing support, counselling, mentoring and group work for 11 - 18 yrs
- Support for Victims of Crime
- Homeless Prevention services in Teignbridge Exeter and East Devon.
Housing – they provide
- Supported Lodgings accommodation for young people in Host families
- Supported Housing placements in a range of locations
- Youth Council
- Advocacy services
- a range of smaller participation projects
Website: www.cruse.org.uk
Cruse Bereavement Care is the largest bereavement charity in the UK supporting adults, children and young people when someone dies. Cruse offers a wide range of support, including face-to-face and telephone support.
The Freephone National Helpline is open on weekdays from 09:30 to 17:00 and until 20:00 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, the number is 0808 808 1677. It also has a website for children and young people called Hope Again (www.hopeagain.org.uk) that has been designed by young people who have been bereaved and has lots of information and advice.
Winston’s Wish
Website: www.winstonswish.org
This charity supports children and their families following the death of a sibling or parent.
Child Bereavement UK
Website: childbereavementuk.org
Child Bereavement UK supports families and educates professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement. The charity provides confidential support, information and guidance to families and professionals throughout the UK. The helpline is available to take calls 9am – 5pm Monday-Friday on 0800 02 888 40 or can be emailed on support@childbereavementuk.org.
In addition, Child Bereavement UK offers booked telephone support sessions for parents or carers of a bereaved child or couples when a baby or child dies. An app, Grief: Support for young people, has also been created by a group of bereaved young people supported by the charity, which includes information on bereavement, grief, feelings and how others can help. The app can be downloaded from the App Store free of charge.
Bullying UK
Website: www.bullying.co.uk
As part of the Family Lives group, Bullying.co.uk offers a wealth of advice and support to young adults and teens who may have been affected by bullying.
Anti-Bullying Alliance
Website: www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk
The Anti-Bullying Alliance is a membership organisation whose members all share a strong commitment to anti-bullying. At its core, the Alliance seeks to raise awareness around bullying amongst young people in the UK, coordinating campaigns and running programs to support schools in actively tackling bullying amongst pupils.
You can find a host of resources on their website around the different forms of bullying and how to get support for yourself or other young people affected.
Website: www.shinecancersupport.org
Shine Cancer Support was set up to provide support to anyone living with a diagnosis of cancer in their 20s, 30s and 40s. They know that it can be isolating to always be the youngest person in the waiting room and it can also be tough to find information on the topics that matter to younger adults living with cancer such as fertility or returning to work.
Run by young adults with cancer, Shine is a large community and provide both online and in-person support including local social networks, a Facebook group and national events and workshops. Online, Shine share videos, personal experiences, blogs and a podcast and are active on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Take a look at their website or social media channels to find out more or email them at hi@shinecanecrsupport.org
Macmillian Cancer Support
Website: www.macmillan.org.uk
Macmillian Cancer Support is one of the best known charities supporting those with cancer, and their families. They offer a dedicated area to their website for Teens and Young Adults that looks at the most common questions that they have regarding a cancer diagnosis.
Teenagers And Young Adults With Cancer
TYAC is the UK’s professional association there for those involved in supporting teens and young adults with cancer in their treatment and care. They provide a great selection of information around best practices, new developments etc.
TYAC’s aim is to improve the quality of life and likelihood of survival for young people with cancer.
Young Adult Cancer Support
Website: www.trekstock.com
Trekstock, are a UK based charity dedicated to getting young adults in their 20s and 30s moving again after a cancer diagnosis puts their lives on hold. 34 young adults in their 20s and 30s are diagnosed with cancer every day in the UK. So, we deliver practical and social support programmes tailored to their needs, to give them a better chance of living well through and beyond cancer.
Teenage Cancer Trust
Website: www.teenagecancertrust.org
The Teenage Cancer Trust is dedicated to providing expert treatment and support to young people who have been diagnosed with cancer.

We are currently awaiting further information about the services provided by the following organisations.
National Careers Service
Website: www.devonservices.org.uk/service/national-careers-service
Website: cswgroup.co.uk
Telephone: 01392 203603
CSQ support young people with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) from Year 9 to help look at their post 16 options and plan their transition to post 16 education. They also support those that are at risk of becoming NEET (not in employment, education or training).
CSW also work with young people who are NEET to help them obtain employment, education or training. This service is for young people from 16 to 18 years old. However, if the young person is a Care Leaver they are supported up to their 21st birthday. If they have an EHCP we can support them up to the age of 25.
CSW have a team of highly qualified and experienced advisers who have an excellent working knowledge of local provision and options. These advisers can provide face to face, phone or on-line support to all eligible young people. they cover the whole of Devon and their advisers have excellent links with training providers, educational establishments and various other youth based organisations.
Dart Careers
Website: www.dartcareers.co.uk
Devon Young Carers
Website: www.westbank.org.uk/Pages/Category/young-carers
Click this link to download and / or view the leaflet from Devon Young Carers. This provides details of what the service has to offer young carers in Devon.
Devon Carers
Website: devoncarers.org.uk
Website: www.childline.org.uk
Childline is probably a name that you have heard but what you might not know is the service that they offer teens and young adults.
They are a counselling service for young people up until their 19th birthday, a service that is provided by the NSPCC.
They deal with any issues that may cause distress or concern and these could include a whole variety of problems. These could include bullying, mental illness, parental separation or divorce, neglect and many, many others.

Domestic Violence
Splitz Support Service
Website: www.splitz.org/devon/children-young-people.html
Splitz support service offer support to young people who are experiencing abuse within their own relationships. This service is ran by Young Person’s Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (YP IDVAs) and support is currently offered in Mid Devon, Exeter, South and West Devon.
YP IDVAs primarily support young people aged 14-18, however can occasionally offer support to young people up to the age of 24, depending on the young person’s situation and circumstances. YP IDVAs provide support to young people who are at risk of domestic abuse and the support aims to reduce this risk and increase the young person’s safety.
YP IDVAs provide practical support and options to the client, such as safety planning and support with accessing housing, legal and financial help if appropriate.
The YP IDVA service can also support young people around improving their wellbeing, as well as their understanding of domestic abuse and healthy relationships in order to break the cycle of abuse and reduce the risk of them experiencing further abusive relationships.
The YP IDVA is there to act as an advocate on behalf of the young person and to make sure that their voice is heard.
Devon County Council
Website: www.devon.gov.uk/dsva/advice-for-young-people/
The site offers some advice for any teen or young adult that is witness to, or suffering domestic violence. The page answers some questions and directs you to a selection of resources, most of which are already available on this page.
The Hideout
Website: www.thehideout.org.uk
Women’s Aid created a space specifically for children and young people to understand domestic violence. The web page provides resources and information on how to take positive action should you find it happening to you.
Drugs and Alcohol
Website: ysmart.org.uk
Website: www.addaction.org.uk
Website: www.al-anonuk.org.uk
Alcoholics Anonymous
Website: www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk
Whilst many may consider this a service for adults, this well-known organisation make special reference for Young People on their website.
They offer a simple 12 question quiz to help you determine if you have an issue with alcohol and also provide a specific video with a special message to young people.
Website: adfam.org.uk
Website: www.healthtalk.org
Website: www.drinkaware.co.uk
Talk To Frank
Website: www.talktofrank.com
Eating Disorders And Body Image
Eating Disorders Devon
Website: www.eatingdisordersdevon.co.uk
NHS Devon Partnership
Website: www.dpt.nhs.uk
Emotional And Mental Health
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
Tel: 0330 0245 321
CAMHS work with young people, their families, and other involved services. CAMHS provide specialist assessment and evidence-based interventions for moderate to severe, complex and enduring mental health problems.
Young Minds
Website: youngminds.org.uk
YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people's mental health. Visit our Find Help pages for information on mental health conditions and available support.
Website: www.rethink.org
Every year Rethink help hundreds of people with mental illness to get the information and support they need. They provide a range of services nationally, including advocacy, carer support, crisis services and more.
Exeter Mental Health and Wellbeing Clinic
Website: www.exetermentalhealthclinic.co.uk
Their highly-trained practitioners offer a wide variety of services, personally tailored to diagnose, treat and prevent an equally wide range of mental health-related problems. They pride themselves on their commitment to customer care, and clients’ welfare is their very highest priority.
Magic Carpet
Website: www.magiccarpet-arts.co.uk
Magic Carpet recognises that life can be a challenge and we all need an escape sometimes. They believe in making creativity accessible to all and to promote the arts as a fantastic vehicle to develop skills, meet people and build self-confidence.
Website: www.kooth.com
Kooth.com is a free, safe, confidential and non-stigmatised way for young people to receive counselling, advice and support. The service is accessible for all 11-18 year olds in the area and accepts self-referrals by young people.