Clinics We Offer

Family Planning
For advice on Family Planning, please make an appointment with your doctor. They will discuss the best options for you. The Doctors are available to discuss any concerns you may have and are able to put you in touch with more specialised help if this is required.
Emergency Contraception
The 'morning after pill' can be used up to 72 hours after unprotected intercourse or if an accident occurs with other methods and five days if a coil is fitted. It is important to either contact the surgery the next morning or to seek advice from a pharmacist who is now able to provide this service.
Maternity Care
This is provided by all the Doctors along with our midwives. The midwives run routine ante-natal clinics. All possible choices for your delivery will be fully discussed.
Please see your doctor as soon as you find out you are pregnant for advice and to commence ante natal care.

Breast Checks / Mammograms
Breast cancer kills more women than any other form of cancer. It is more common in older women. If changes are discovered early, then there is a better chance of a successful recovery. It is wise to examine your breasts regularly (advice on how this should be done is available from the nurse or doctor) and to see the doctor if you are concerned.
Mammograms are offered to women aged 50 to 70 years of age every three years by the mobile screening unit. The recall is organised in Exeter, but the results are made known to your Doctor.
Chronic Condition Such As Asthma or Diabetes
The practice runs chronic disease management programmes. These are run by the Practice Nurse and / or the clinical pharmacist. Patients are usually called in alphabetically throughout the year. However, if you have concerns or would like to speak to a Nurse / clinical pharmacist please contact the surgery.

Cervical Screening
All women between the ages of 25-64 are eligible for a free cervical screen test every 3-5 years. Please check with your surgery if you think you may be due one and have not received a letter.
The screening intervals are:
- 25 First Invitation
- 25-49 Three Yearly
- 50-64 Five Yearly
- 65+ only if not had a smear since age of 50 or have had recent abnormal tests
The NHS call and recall system will invite you to attend the surgery for a smear when it is due and will keep track on any follow up investigations. It is therefore important to ensure the GP surgery has your correct name and address.
Click Here for more information.
Please Click Here to download our leaflet on what to expect from your ECG.
East Devon Microsuction & Ear Care
Dr Daniels and Dr Elias-Jones are both medically qualified and are Registered with the CQC and GMC, with Full Indemnity Insurance. They run the NHS East Devon Ear, Nose and Throat community clinics and both work regularly in the ENT department of the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital. Between them they have nearly 40 years of experience working in the NHS and over 20 years experience of working in ENT, and treated over 10,000 patients for microsuction ear wax removal.
Please Click Here to find our website on East Devon Microsuction and Ear Care.
Dementia / Memory Loss
Are you worried about your memory? Are memory problems affecting your day-to-day life? It's probably nothing serious, but it's best to get checked because any treatment you need may work better if it's started earlier. Dementia is the name for problems with mental abilities caused by gradual changes and damage to the brain. It's rare in people under 65, however, if you are concerned, please call the Surgery on 01297 20616
Minor Operations
All of our doctors are qualified to perform minor surgery. These may include joint injections, excision of skin lumps and bumps and other procedures. If you feel you have a condition which justifies such a procedure, please see your Doctor. They may decide that a procedure is not necessary, or they may be able to do something or they may suggest a referral.
First Contact Physiotherapy
For muscular-skeletal issues we can arrange for you to see our physiotherapist who runs a fortnightly clinic at the surgery on a Thursday morning. Please speak to a member of our reception team to arrange an appointment - this does not always require a prior GP consultation.

Thinking of Starting a Family?
If you are planning to start a family you must, of course, cease contraception. If you are taking the pill you should change to a barrier method for a period of at least three months. This allows for normal hormone levels and egg production cycle to re-establish itself.
If you smoke, both you and your partner should stop. A women who smokes during pregnancy stands a 30% greater risk of miscarrying or losing the baby at birth due to a variety of complications.
You should also ensure that your alcohol consumption is kept to an absolute minimum if you are unable to abstain totally.
Both partners should give attention to their diet with particular regard to choosing fresh, unrefined food.
Ask the nurse to check if you are immune from Rubella (German Measles). If not, she will arrange immunisation. If you are found not to be immune, you should continue with a barrier method of birth control for a period of at least two months whilst the vaccine takes effect.
Unless you've had one during recent months it is advisable to arrange for a smear test to ensure you have a healthy cervix prior to becoming pregnant.